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Contract Interaction

An active account is similar to an instance of a class, where smart-contract code is a class definition and persistent data is a state of all instance variables. Thus, to read the contract variables you can either decode account data or call some getters on it. As in system languages, reading variables from a memory representation of a structure is a tricky idea, in contracts it also depends on how these variables are packed. Therefore, interaction with smart contracts is done using some function calls.

You can interact with contract locally (e.g. getters) or on-chain. Each provider must have a VM and executor that is consistent with those of the validators. Therefore, during getters execution, RPC is used only to obtain the contract state, which can be reused. To execute method on-chain you can send an external message or an internal (through the selected wallet). The result of the on-chain method execution can be obtained by parsing a transaction with it.

Contract ABI

To be able to interact with contract, you must know its structure or the methods it implements. In blockchain, all compilers produce JSON ABI with the description of data, methods and events.

type Abi = {
  // Legacy major version definition
  'ABI version': 2;
  // Full ABI version definition (`major.minor`)
  version?: string;
  // Required headers
  header: AbiType[];
  // Function interfaces
  functions: AbiFunction[];
  // Event interfaces
  events: AbiEvent[];
  // State init variables
  data: (AbiType & { key: number })[];


For a full description, please refer to the ABI specification.


At a basic level everything in blockchain is a cell. Each cell consists of up to 1023 data bits and up to 4 references to other cells.

NameDescriptionRepresentation in cellAbi version
boolBoolean type1 bit^1.0
intNFixed-sized signed integer, where N is a bit length

e.g. int8, int32, int256, ..
N bits^1.0
uintNFixed-sized unsigned integer, where N is a bit length

e.g. uint8, uint32, ..
N bits^1.0
varintNVariable-length signed integer. Bit length is between log2(N) and 8*(N-1) where N is either 16 or 32

e.g. varint16, varint32.
4+len*8 bits for varint16 or 5+len*8 bits for varuint32 where len is first 4 or 5 bits^2.1
varuintNVariable-length unsigned integer. Bit length is between log2(N) and 8*(N-1) where N is either 16 or 32

e.g. varint16, varint32.
Same as varintN^2.1
cellTVM cellCell reference^1.0
addressContract address267 bits (usually)^1.0
bytesByte arrayA cell reference. This cell contains bytes, aligned to 8 bits with continuation in further references with same align^1.0
fixedbytesNFixed bytes array of length N (up to 32)N*8 bits^1.0
stringByte array which is required to be a valid UTF-8 sequenceSame as bytes^2.1
optional(T)Can store a valut of T type or be empty.

e.g. optional(string)
1 bit flag, if it is set then T itself^2.1
tupleA product of types.

e.g. (uint256,bool,cell)

NOTE: Requires components field in JSON ABI.
Same as a sequence of inner types^1.0
map(K,V)Dictionary with key type K and value type V.

e.g. map(uint32,address)

NOTE: K can only be a type which can be represented in one cell.
1 bit flag, if it is set then cell with dictionary^1.0
T[]Array of type T.

e.g. uint256[]
32 bits of array length, then map(uint32,T)^1.0
ref(T)Data of type T, but stored in a reference (cell).

e.g. ref((uint32,address))
Cell reference^2.2

In JSON ABI, types are described as follows:

type AbiType = {
  // Each parameter must have its own name
  name: string;
  // Concrete type from the table above
  type: string;
  // Tuple components if it is used in `type`
  components?: ParamType[];

In general, function calls are stored in message body, and encoded as function ID + encoded arguments, where function ID is the first 32 bits of sha256 of the function signature. However, external messages must contain a prefix with optional signature and encoded headers.

In JSON ABI, functions are described as follows:

type AbiFunction = {
  // Each function in contract must have its own unique name
  name: string;
  // Function arguments
  inputs: AbiType[];
  // Function output types (it can return several values of different types)
  outputs: AbiType[];
  // Optional explicit function id
  id?: string;

Events are similar to functions, but they can only exist as an external outgoing message and doesn't have anything other than arguments. They are used to provide additional info during the transaction execution.

In JSON ABI, events are described as follows:

type AbiEvent = {
  // Each event in contract must have its own unique name
  name: string;
  // Event arguments
  inputs: AbiType[];
  // Optional explicit event id
  id?: string;


Let's go back to the code and declare the ABI of our contract:

const exampleAbi = {
  'ABI version': 2,
  version: '2.3',
  header: ['time'],
  functions: [
      name: 'constructor',
      inputs: [
        { name: 'someParam', type: 'uint128' },
        { name: 'second', type: 'string' },
      outputs: [],
      name: 'getComplexState',
      inputs: [],
      outputs: [
          components: [
            { name: 'first', type: 'uint32' },
            { name: 'second', type: 'string' },
          name: 'value0',
          type: 'tuple',
      name: 'setVariable',
      inputs: [{ name: 'someParam', type: 'uint128' }],
      outputs: [{ name: 'value0', type: 'uint32' }],
      name: 'setVariableExternal',
      inputs: [{ name: 'someParam', type: 'uint128' }],
      outputs: [],
      name: 'getSecondElementWithPrefix',
      inputs: [{ name: 'prefix', type: 'string' }],
      outputs: [{ name: 'value0', type: 'string' }],
      name: 'computeSmth',
      inputs: [
        { name: 'answerId', type: 'uint32' },
        { name: 'offset', type: 'uint32' },
      outputs: [
          components: [
            { name: 'first', type: 'uint32' },
            { name: 'second', type: 'string' },
          name: 'res',
          type: 'tuple',
      name: 'simpleState',
      inputs: [],
      outputs: [{ name: 'simpleState', type: 'uint128' }],
  data: [{ key: 1, name: 'nonce', type: 'uint32' }],
  events: [
      name: 'StateChanged',
      inputs: [
          components: [
            { name: 'first', type: 'uint32' },
            { name: 'second', type: 'string' },
          name: 'complexState',
          type: 'tuple',
      outputs: [],
  fields: [
    { name: '_pubkey', type: 'uint256' },
    { name: '_timestamp', type: 'uint64' },
    { name: '_constructorFlag', type: 'bool' },
    { name: 'nonce', type: 'uint32' },
    { name: 'simpleState', type: 'uint128' },
      components: [
        { name: 'first', type: 'uint32' },
        { name: 'second', type: 'string' },
      name: 'complexState',
      type: 'tuple',
} as const; // NOTE: `as const` is very important here

To fully utilize the features of this library, it is important to declare ABI as a const object with a const type (which should be declared using as const.

Unfortunately, this approach has drawbacks that have to be tolerated for now (you can't import JSON as a const type, issue #32063)

Code of ExampleContract

Code of the contract
pragma ever-solidity >=0.66;

// Define a custom struct `ComplexType` with two properties.
struct ComplexType {
	uint32 first;
	string second;

contract ExampleContract {
	uint32 static nonce;

	uint128 public simpleState;
	ComplexType complexState;

	// A modifier that refunds the sender after the function call.
	modifier cashBack() {
		tvm.rawReserve(address(this).balance - msg.value, 2);
		msg.sender.transfer({ value: 0, flag: 129 });

	// Event emitted when the complexState is changed.
	event StateChanged(ComplexType complexState);

	// Constructor to initialize the contract state.
	constructor(uint128 someParam, string second) public {
		simpleState = someParam;
		complexState = ComplexType(uint32(someParam % 1000), second);

	// Function to get the current complexState.
	function getComplexState() external view returns (ComplexType) {
		return complexState;

	// Function to set a new value for simpleState and complexState.first, refunds the sender after the call.
	function setVariable(uint128 someParam) public cashBack returns (uint32) {
		return _setVariable(someParam);

	// Function to set a new value for `simpleState` and `complexState.first`.
	function setVariableExternal(uint128 someParam) public {

	// Internal function to update `simpleState` and `complexState.first`, and emit the `StateChanged` event.
	function _setVariable(uint128 someParam) internal returns (uint32) {
		simpleState = someParam;
		complexState.first = uint32(someParam % 1000);
		emit StateChanged(complexState);
		return complexState.first;

	// Function to concatenate a given prefix with the `complexState.second` value.
	function getSecondElementWithPrefix(string prefix) external view returns (string) {
		return prefix + complexState.second;

	// Function to compute and return an updated `ComplexType` value based on the given offset.
	function computeSmth(
		uint32 offset
	) external view responsible returns (ComplexType res) {
		require(offset < 1000, 1337);
		res.first = complexState.first + offset;
		res.second = complexState.second;
		return {value: 0, flag: 68, bounce: false} complexState;

Contract Wrapper

Contract wrapper (ProviderRpcClient.Contract) is a preferred way to interact with contracts. It is tied to a specific address, it has a bunch of helpers and a proxy object with all methods. Construction doesn't make any requests or subscriptions (since this object doesn't have any state), however it serializes the provided ABI object, so you shouldn't create it in tight loops.

import { Address } from 'everscale-inpage-provider';

const exampleAddress = new Address(
const example = new provider.Contract(exampleAbi, exampleAddress);


An Address objects are used throughout the code instead of plain strings to prevent potential errors. However, requests through rawApi use strings as it is a Proxy object which directly communicates with underlying provider object via JRPC.

Btw, if you have some hardcoded constant address you should better use AddressLiteral which checks the provided string at compile time.

Reading contract

In most contracts all publicly visible data should be accessed by getters. They don't require user interaction, and only rely on basic permission, so they can be used even without extension via standalone client.

Contract wrapper has a methods Proxy object which contains all functions as properties. To execute a getter, you should first prepare its arguments and then execute the call method on the prepared object.

Simple getters

This type of getters is executed locally by simulating external message call and parsing external outgoing messages.

// Optionally request account state
const state = await provider.getFullContractState(exampleAddress);

// Simple getter without any parameters
const complexState = await example.methods.getComplexState().call({
  // You can call several getters "atomicly" on a single contract state
  cachedState: state,

// Another getter, but with parameters
const prefixedSecond = await example.methods
    // Arguments have the same type as described in ABI,
    // but merged into one object by `name`
    prefix: : 'foo',
    // NOTE: It will request the state itself if it is not specified
    cachedState: state,

Responsible methods

This type of methods can either be called via internal message or locally as a getter via external message. It differs from simple getters as it has additional argument of type uint32 which is usually called answerId.

  • When it is called on-chain, it returns the result in outgoing internal message to the caller with answerId as a function id.
  • When it is called locally, it behaves the same way as simple getters. However, in this library you could call these methods with an additional responsible: true flag which executes them locally as internal messages. This allows you to skip headers and use the same function signature for contracts with different header configurations.
const computedResult = await example.methods
    offset: : 1200,
    answerId: 13,
    responsible: true,
const { value0: nonce } = await example.methods.getNonce({ answerId: 42 })
  .call({ responsible: true });

console.log(`Computed State: ${nonce}`);

Fetching Contract Fields

Another crucial method for interacting with contracts is getFields. This method allows you to unpack all fields from the contract's state using the specified ABI.

This method requires basic permissions.

Example of usage:

// Unpack all fields from contract state
const { fields, state } = await example.getFields();
console.log(fields); // display all unpacked fields

// Unpacking fields using cached state
const cachedState = await provider.getFullContractState(
const fieldsFromCachedState = await example.getFields({

// Unpacking fields with allowing partial results
//if something is left in a cell after unpacking
const partialFields = await example.getFields({ allowPartial: true });

The getFields method is particularly useful for quickly acquiring information about a contract's state without having to call each getter individually. It can significantly simplify the process of reading data from a contract, especially for contracts with numerous fields.


It's worth noting that using getFields is recommended primarily for testing purposes, as you will need to update the ABI in case of a contract upgrade. Otherwise, using individual getters might be a safer and more convenient option.

TVM Exceptions

There can be exceptions during local contract execution. They may arise either due to an incorrect function signature or due to some checks in contract code. If an exception code is less than 100, then it is likely due to an incorrect ABI or signature or something else. Otherwise, it is an exception from the contract code, and you can find the reason if you have that code.

You can catch TVM exceptions using TvmException class. Although there might be some situations when execution fails due to a TVM exception, but other exception is thrown - in that case it is more likely due to incorrect input or contract state.

import { TvmException } from 'everscale-inpage-provider';

try {
  const computedSmth = await example.methods
      // Offset is greater than 1000, so it will throw an exception
      offset: 1444,
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof TvmException) {
    console.log(`TVM Exception: ${e.code}`);
  } else {
    // Re-throw it othersise
    throw e;
require(offset < 1000, 1337);
Known TVM Exceptions

Basic exceptions

Please refer to the whitepaper 4.5.7

2Stack underflowNot enough arguments in the stack for a primitive
3Stack overflowMore values have been stored on a stack than allowed by this version of TVM
4Integer overflowInteger does not fit into expected range (by default −2256 ≤ x < 2256), or a division by zero has occurred
5Range check errorInteger out of expected range
6Invalid opcodeInstruction or its immediate arguments cannot be decoded
7Type check errorAn argument to a primitive is of incorrect value type
8Cell overflowError in one of the serialization primitives
9Cell underflowDeserialization error
10Dictionary errorError while deserializing a dictionary object
11Unknown errorUnknown error, may be thrown by user programs
12Fatal errorThrown by TVM in situations deemed impossible
13Out of gasThrown by TVM when the remaining gas (g r ) becomes negative

Solidity exceptions

Please refer to the docs

40External inbound message has an invalid signature. See tvm.pubkey() and msg.pubkey().
50Array index or index of <mapping>.at() is out of range.
51Contract's constructor has already been called.
52Replay protection exception. See timestamp in pragma AbiHeader.
53See <address>.unpack().
54<array>.pop call for an empty array.
55See tvm.insertPubkey().
57External inbound message is expired. See expire in pragma AbiHeader.
58External inbound message has no signature but has public key. See pubkey in pragma AbiHeader.
60Inbound message has wrong function id. In the contract there are no functions with such function id and there is no fallback function that could handle the message.
61Deploying StateInit has no public key in data field.
62Reserved for internal usage.
63See <optional(Type)>.get().
64tvm.buildExtMSg() call with wrong parameters.
65Call of the unassigned variable of function type. See Function type.
66Convert an integer to a string with width less than number length. See format().
67See gasToValue and valueToGas.
68There is no config parameter 20 or 21.
69Zero to the power of zero calculation.
70string method substr was called with substr longer than the whole string.
71Function marked by externalMsg was called by internal message.
72Function marked by internalMsg was called by external message.
73The value can't be converted to enum type.
74Await answer message has wrong source address.
75Await answer message has wrong function id.
76Public function was called before constructor.

Sending Messages

To learn more about these messages, you can refer to the Overview.

External Msg

External messages are used for calling functions in smart contracts from off-chain applications. To send an external message, you should use the contract wrapper, which provides a convenient way to interact with contracts. To call a function in a contract, use the following syntax:

// Call the `setVariableExternal` function on the example contract
// with `someParam` as the parameter
const tx = await exampleContract.methods
  .setVariableExternal({ someParam: 42 })
    publicKey: senderPublicKey,

console.log('Transaction:', tx);

Delayed Msg

const { transaction, messageHash, expireAt } =
  await exampleContract.methods
    .setVariableExternal({ someParam: this.someParam })
      publicKey: senderPublicKey!,

console.log('Message hash:', messageHash);
console.log('Expire at:', expireAt);

transaction.then(() => {
  console.log('Transaction:', transaction);

Internal Msg

There are two ways to send internal messages in the blockchain: through the provider.Contract instance using the send method or using the Provider.sendMessage method. Both methods have their unique features, and developers should choose the one that best fits their needs.

  1. Sending Internal Messages Through the Contract Instance To send an internal message through the contract instance, you need to call the contract's method directly and invoke the send method on the contract instance. The required parameters for this method are defined in the SendInternalParams type.

  2. Using Provider.sendMessage This method provides a higher level of abstraction and flexibility, allowing developers to work with the provider directly instead of the contract instance. The required parameters for this method are defined in the ProviderApiRequestParams type.

// 1. Using the contract instance
const { transaction } = await exampleContract.methods
  .setVariableInternal({ someParam: 42 })
    from: senderAddress,
    value: 1 * 10 ** 9,
    bounce: true,

// 2. Using the provider
// Define the payload for the internal message,
// including ABI, method, params, and flags
const payload = {
  abi: JSON.stringify(exampleAbi),
  method: 'setVariable',
  params: {
    someParam: 42,

// Use provider.sendMessage to send an internal message
// with the specified sender, recipient, amount, bounce flag, and payload
const { transaction } = await provider.sendMessage({
  sender: senderAddress,
  recipient: exampleAddress,
  amount: 1 * 10 ** 9, // 1 Native coin
  bounce: true,
  payload: payload,

console.log('Transaction:', transaction);

Comparison and Differences

Both methods achieve the same goal of sending internal messages. However, there are some differences between them:

  1. Abstraction Level: The provider.Contract.send method offers a lower level of abstraction, allowing developers to work directly with the contract instance and its methods. On the other hand, the ProviderRpcClient.sendMessage method provides a higher level of abstraction, allowing developers to work with the provider directly.

  2. Ease of Use: Sending internal messages through the provider.Contract.send method is a more straightforward approach, as developers simply call the contract method and then use the send method to send the message. In contrast, using the ProviderRpcClient.sendMessage method requires specifying the payload, including the ABI, method, and parameters.

  3. Flexibility: The ProviderRpcClient.sendMessage method provides more flexibility, as it can be used for different types of internal messages, including those with custom payloads or state initializations. This flexibility makes it a more suitable choice for advanced use cases or when working with multiple contracts.

Ultimately, the choice between these two methods depends on your specific use case and requirements. If you want a more straightforward and contract-focused approach, using the provider.Contract.send method might be the better option. However, if you need more flexibility or prefer working with the provider directly, the ProviderRpcClient.sendMessage method is an excellent choice.

Delayed Msg

// 1. Using the contract instance
const { transaction } = await exampleContract.methods
  .setVariable({ someParam: 42 })
    from: senderAddress,
    value: 1 * 10 ** 9,
    bounce: true,

// 2. Using the provider
const { transaction, messageHash, expireAt } =
  await provider.sendMessageDelayed({
    sender: senderAddress,
    recipient: new Address(testContract.address),
    amount: 1 * 10 ** 9,
    bounce: true,
    payload: payload,

console.log('Message hash:', messageHash);
console.log('Expire at:', expireAt);

transaction.then(() => {
  console.log('Transaction:', transaction);


All functions can be executed either via external or internal messages. However, if function is not marked as responsible it will not return anything when called via an internal message.

Local Execution

Local execution provides a way to simulate contract execution without actually sending a message to the blockchain. This can be useful for testing, debugging, or estimating gas usage. Everscale Provider API offers two methods for local execution: runLocal and executeLocal. Both methods require basic permissions.

Run Local

The call method is used to execute only the compute phase of a contract locally. This method is useful when you want to simulate a contract call and obtain the output without affecting the contract's state.

Here is an example of how to use the method:

const runLocalResult = await exampleContract.methods
  .setVariable({ someParam: 1400 })

console.log('Run local output:', runLocalResult.output);
console.log('TVM execution code:', runLocalResult.code);

Execute Local

The executeLocal method is used to execute all transaction phases locally, producing a new contract state. This method is useful when you want to simulate a contract call and observe the changes in the contract's state without actually sending a message to the blockchain.

Here is an example of how to use the executeLocal method:

const executeLocalResult = await provider.api.executeLocal({
  address: exampleAddress,
  messageHeader: {
    type: 'internal',
    sender: senderAddress,
    amount: 1 * 10 ** 9, // 1 Native coin
    bounce: true,
  payload: {
    abi: JSON.stringify(exampleAbi),
    method: 'setVariable',
    params: {
      someParam: 42,

console.log('Executed transaction:', executeLocalResult.transaction);
console.log('New contract state:', executeLocalResult.newState);
  'Parsed function call output:',


The executor is an essential component of local execution, as it is responsible for running the contract's code in a simulated environment. The executor is provided by the provider, which ensures consistency with the validators.

You can customize the executor's behavior using the executorParams option, which allows you to disable signature checks or override the account balance during local contract execution.

Here is an example of how to use the executeLocal method with custom executor parameters:

const executeLocalResultWithCustomExecutor =
  await provider.api.executeLocal({
    address: exampleAddress,
    messageHeader: {
      type: 'internal',
      sender: senderAddress,
      amount: 1 * 10 ** 9, // 1 Native coin
      bounce: true,
    payload: {
      abi: JSON.stringify(exampleAbi),
      method: 'setVariable',
      params: {
        someParam: 42,
    executorParams: {
      disableSignatureCheck: true,
      overrideBalance: 100 * 10 ** 9, // 100 Native coins

  'Executed transaction:',
  'New contract state:',
  'Parsed function call output:',